Fall Writes: Week 5

"Map of the Square and Stationary Earth" by Orlando Ferguson. Source: The History Blog

“Map of the Square and Stationary Earth” by Orlando Ferguson. Source: The History Blog

Hey all, still getting back into a groove over here. The job market this year is coming fast and furious, and Monday I was laid up with the onset of a head cold. So without further ado, here are your goals for the week:

Weekly Goals


1. Continue on with probation chapter. Mon. and Tues.: fine-tune my detailed outline/data excerpts and finish eliminating the unnecessary excerpts for a more focused argument; Weds.-Fri. continue writing and refining, working in parole chapter too as necessary.
2. Revisit institutional circuits chapter as my argument develops.
3. Put together 30-min. teaching demo in advance of practice session next Sunday(!!!).


1. I need to decide what to cut from my dissertation chapter in turning it into an article on formerly incarcerated women’s processes of achieving “rehabilitated femininity.” Currently, I discuss five key areas, which I think is too much for an article. I need to figure out if I have enough data to focus on just one or two areas.
2. I need to figure out what literature, specifically, I’m in conversation with. This will require reviewing articles I’ve read and identifying new ones.


1) (for R and R) Finish this revision and get the finished draft to my personal editor — goal is next Friday 10/10
2) (For R and R) Build memo once I can get the revised draft done.
3) Finish redoing gender/religion paper abstract and get that out.

About droyles

Historian of the recent American past.
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4 Responses to Fall Writes: Week 5

  1. Nicole says:

    Hi. I got goal 3) done and partly done with goal 1) but still working on finishing the revision. So, I want to renew goal 1)– I want to finish the revision to get to my (own) editor by Friday (including cutting down almost 2300 words that I’ve added since starting to revise–this is actually BETTER than where things were at last week). The library sessions seem to be good for me so I want to keep with these (including Thurs AM, Fri AM, Sunday early afternoon), but not only.

    • Nicole says:

      I need to add one more goal–look up the journal where I may submit a special issue article by the 15th, and if it’s a go, modify the religion paper abstract to fit more as a submission (due 10/15–Wednesday).

  2. Chez says:

    I did not accomplish either goal last week, so I am resetting both for this week. 1) Figure out the specific literature I’m addressing, which should help with focusing my argument. 2) Decide which sections to cut from my diss chapter for the article. To stick to these goals, I’m going to schedule writing times for Thursday and Friday mornings, 3 hours minimum each day.

  3. Meg says:

    Progress has been slow over here. I am in a perfect storm of work deadlines and job market this week, so my goals are modest. I aim to work on the probation chapter for two hours today, two hours tomorrow, and two hours “with” Nicole on Sunday afternoon. I really need to have put the finishing touches on the first draft of this chapter by a week from today (10/20) so that I can devote next week to finishing the institutional circuits chapter and maybe only blow my self-imposed deadline for both of these by a week or so.

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